University Students’ Knowledge Level of Sustainability and Sustainable Tourism Concepts

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Hulusi Binbaşıoğlu
Aysun Tuna
Niyazi Özer
Süleyman Nihat Şad


This study aims to measure the level of university students’ knowledge about sustainability and sustainable tourism. Descriptive and causal-comparative research designs were used. Descriptive statistics were used to determine how familiar the students are with the related concepts. The analysis of students’ knowledge of the related concepts in terms of gender, the chi-square statistic was employed. According to results, it was found that a large majority of students are not familiar with the technical concepts including carbon footprint, ecological footprint, while they are familiar with general concepts related to sustainability such as climate change, recycling, cultural diversity, protection of ecosystems, biodiversity, and waste management. In terms of gender, a significant difference between male and female students’ views on poverty reduction, carbon footprints, and ecological footprints was found in favor of male students.

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How to Cite
Binbaşıoğlu, H., Tuna, A., Özer, N., & Şad, S. N. (2021). University Students’ Knowledge Level of Sustainability and Sustainable Tourism Concepts. Journal of Turkish Tourism ResearchSEARCH, 3(3), 338–349. Retrieved from