Dark Tourism Rewiev

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Ahmet Çelik


Special interest tours that change day by day, mass tourism areas, reducing the effects of the physical and cultural, new attractions and a more sustainable tourism objective. Sadness, pain, sorrow, sadness for the past in people, sadness, empathy, sympathy, fear, hatred and revenge as an alternative tourism with inner feelings directed movement. Starting in the last decade as general academic studies of tourism destination marketing sadness of being addressed. It is not just death in terms of tourism, culture and social examination as required. In this study, the national compilation of studies contained in publications, sought solutions to the problems about the nomenclature. In addition, paper is being carried out until it has been reviewed and determined and potential brought together the regions, only the literature study aims to gain.

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How to Cite
Çelik, A. (2021). Dark Tourism Rewiev. Journal of Turkish Tourism ResearchSEARCH, 1(3), 41–55. Retrieved from https://tutad.org/index.php/tutad/article/view/16