Development of a Tourist Guide Education Quality Scale

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Saadet Pınar Temizkan
Bircan Ergün


This study aims to develop a reliable and valid scale to identify the quality of undergraduate level tourist guide teaching according to students’ views. The scale development process was carried out with the steps recommended in the literature. Before the scale was administered, the items were reviewed by field experts and Turkish Language expert and a pilot study was carried out. Responses from 305 tourist guide candidates were included in the analysis. After the exploratory factor analysis, the items were gathered under five factors. As for the internal consistency, Cronbach’s alpha value of the scale was calculated as 0,937. Alpha values of the factors were calculated as 0,940, 0,945, 0,935, 0,919 and 0,866 respectively. The results revealed that Tourist Guide Education Quality Scale, which consists of 47 items gathered under the five main factors of "curriculum and teaching quality", "academic staff quality", "management and support services", "teaching environment" and "learning outcomes", is a reliable and valid measurement instrument.

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How to Cite
Temizkan, S. P., & Ergün, B. (2021). Development of a Tourist Guide Education Quality Scale. Journal of Turkish Tourism ResearchSEARCH, 4(4), 3720–3739. Retrieved from