Robotics in the Tourism Industry

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Salim İbiş


In recent years, the use of robot technology in different sectors worldwide is rapidly spreading. Especially with the industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence robot technology has gained a new dimension. Tourism industry, although labor intensive, has a significant share of these technological developments. The aim of this study, which is based on the literature review; the aim of the course is to discuss the current situation of robot technology in tourism industry, multidimensional effects and future trends. Within the scope of the study within the tourism industry; the current usage of robot technology in hotel business, travel establishments, restaurant enterprises, airports, museums and tourism guidance profession has been examined and the tendencies towards future are determined. The results of the study show that there are many examples of robot technology in the tourism industry and the present findings indicate that the use of robot technology in the future will increase in the tourism industry.

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How to Cite
İbiş, S. (2021). Robotics in the Tourism Industry. Journal of Turkish Tourism ResearchSEARCH, 3(3), 403–420. Retrieved from