To Submit an Article


1. All articles should be sent to the editor via e-mail ( or

2. The submitted file should not contain name information identifying the author(s).

3. Author information (title, name-surname, institution, ORCID and e-mail addresses) should be sent in a separate file as the title page.

4. Within the scope of TR Index 2020 criteria, research articles must obtain Ethics Committee Permission and information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be given in the method section of the article. Authors are required to send the Ethics Committee Permission document as an additional document when submitting the article. On the other hand, Ethics Committee Permission is not required for articles whose data were collected before 2020 in research articles. However, the authors are required to share information about the date of data collection in the method section of their article.
5. Authors are required to send the "Copyright Transfer Form" as an attachment.

6. Authors should send the similarity (plagiarism) report (turnitin, ithenticate, etc.) regarding the article as an attachment.

7. The font should be Palatino Linotype, the main headings should be written in 11 points, the text should be written in 10 points.

8. Line and paragraph spacing should be written as one.

9. No indentation should be used at the beginning of the lines.

10. Headings should not be numbered. Main headings should be written in all capital letters, and subheadings should be written in capital letters only.

11. Table captions should be above the table and figure captions should be below the figure.

12. Bold characters should not be used in tables and figures.

13. Bold characters should not be used in the text (except for headings). Places to be emphasized can be italicized.

14. If more than one source is to be cited in parentheses, these sources should be listed from oldest to newest.

15. After the article is accepted for publication and/or published, subsequent correction requests of the authors on the article will not be considered.

16. For article writing rules, the related web page of the Journal ( should be taken into consideration.



1. Each paper is initially assessed by the editor for suitability for the journal. Papers deemed suitable are then typically sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper.

2. The reviewers make one of the following decisions for a manuscript: accept in its present form, accept with minor revisions, accept with major revisions or reject.

3. The Journal of Turkish Tourism Research has the right to make corrections, to publish or not to publish the articles.

4. Revised submissions are sent to the initial reviewers.

5. The editor makes the final decision for a manuscript based on the reviewer reports. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the corresponding author receives the proofs of the paper.

6. Once the corresponding author approves the proofs, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is assigned to the paper and a formal acceptance letter is sent to the corresponding author by the Editorial Board.

7. Corresponding author is informed when the paper is compiled into an issue of the journal and is published in its final form.

8. Journal of Turkish Tourism Research published online.

9. All legal responsibility for the contents of the articles published in the Journal of Turkish Tourism Research belongs to the author.
10. Upon acceptance of the article, all copyright ownership is transferred to the Journal of Turkish Tourism Research ( in all forms (both in print and online).

11. The studies submitted to the journal should not have been previously published elsewhere. However, the publication of the proceedings of the symposium which are not published as a separate book in the format of the article is published on condition that this is stated.