How Do The Best Ones Use Social Media: Example of Instagram

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Nazlı Kardeş Çolakoğlu
Şevki Ulema


It has been almost a necessity to be on social media for businesses that are in a highly competitive environment in the tourism sector. However, the important thing is to be effective rather than being on social media. For this reason, businesses in the tourism sector should effectively use social media environments that can reach the consumer in addition to the products / services they offer in order to achieve success or to make their success sustainable. In this study, the Instagram profiles of businesses that rank among the top 50 restaurants in the world were examined, in order to investigate their use of social media and to understand which content they attach importance to for this purpose, Instagram profiles of the determined restaurant businesses have been accessed and taken into consideration. Instagram profiles are grouped according to main themes and sub-themes. Content analysis method was used to interpret the obtained data. As a result of the study; It is seen that the restaurants named as the best restaurants are active in the social media environment and give priority to food and beverage presentations, sharing to employees, awards and participation in their content. At the end of the study, suggestions for the use of social media by restaurant businesses were presented.

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How to Cite
Kardeş Çolakoğlu, N., & Ulema, Şevki. (2021). How Do The Best Ones Use Social Media: Example of Instagram. Journal of Turkish Tourism ResearchSEARCH, 5(2), 877–891.