Destination Branding Analysis of Uşak and Strategy Recommendations

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Uğur Uğur


The aim of the study is to examine the destination image of Uşak and develop recommendations for effective destination branding strategies in line with the results obtained. The questionnaire was applied to 630 consumers living outside of Uşak who had information about Uşak. According to the results of the research, the participants get their information about Uşak from the close circle. The second source of information is the internet, and the third is social media and television. Among the perceptual/cognitive destination image elements of Uşak, the five highest scores are geographical location, historical features, traffic situation, natural beauties, hospitality and university. The five lowest rated properties are shopping opportunities, general price level, job opportunities, accommodation facilities and climatic conditions and health services. Among the emotional destination image elements of Uşak, the three highest scores are calmness, cuteness and cleanliness. The three lowest scores were outward opening, modernity and development. In the conclusion part of the study, in accordance with the findings obtained, destination branding strategies that can be effective are proposed.

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How to Cite
Uğur, U. (2021). Destination Branding Analysis of Uşak and Strategy Recommendations. Journal of Turkish Tourism ResearchSEARCH, 3(4), 1178–1193. Retrieved from