The Role of Brand Awareness and Brand Trust in Choosing Holiday Booking Sites Which Make Dynamic Pricing

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İnci Erdoğan Tarakçı
Bora Göktaş


With the widespread use of internet as a result of technological developments, consumers can easily access instant data on goods and services and make comparisons between alternatives. At the same time, with data technologies, businesses can easily access information about consumers such as their current position, the products they review, what products they buy at what price, and the price comments they have made on social media. In this variable and competitive environment, especially in the rapidly affected tourism sector, dynamic pricing is a very effective pricing strategy to balance supply and demand at all levels. With the dynamic pricing strategy, businesses can change their prices within certain periods and thus influence the consumer's perception of value and enable them to follow themselves continuously. In this study, it is aimed to determine the effect of brand awareness and brand trust on the preference of holiday booking sites that make dynamic pricing. For this purpose, 433 consumers were surveyed on the internet and the data were analyzed and brand awareness has an impact on price justice, price awareness dimensions; however, there was no effect on price confidence and repurchase dimensions. In addition, the "credibility" dimension among the factors of the brand trust scale is more effective than the other factors in the preference of holiday booking sites.

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How to Cite
Erdoğan Tarakçı, İnci, & Göktaş, B. (2021). The Role of Brand Awareness and Brand Trust in Choosing Holiday Booking Sites Which Make Dynamic Pricing. Journal of Turkish Tourism ResearchSEARCH, 4(1), 447–464. Retrieved from