Physically Handicapped Basketball Players Barriers in Social Life Scope with Health Problems Evaluation in Terms of Tourism

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Sağbetullah Meriç


Local people and non-tourism travelers also benefit from tourism businesses as well as vacationers. Tourism activities are a part of the life of many people who have a holiday or not. For this reason, tourism enterprises (restaurants, travel agency hotels etc.) constitute an important part of social life. For this reason, in the study, it was aimed to evaluate the health problems that prevent the social life of the disabled people instead of identifying the obstacles they face only in some tourism enterprises. The data of the research were collected by wheelchair basketball athletes in questionnaire in 2019. The statements used in the questionnaire were taken from the Nottingham Health Profile. Nottingham Health Profile is a scale that has been translated into 24 languages other than English and has been used in many studies. Within the scope of the research, a questionnaire was collected from 134 athletes by sampling method. According to the results of the analysis, athletes need the most energy and need the least sleep. In general, an opinion was expressed that I disagree with the obstacles encountered in social life within the scope of health. This result shows that, contrary to the general judgment, basketball players with disabilities do not encounter negative situations such as pain, emotional reaction, social isolation, physical activity and sleep in social life.

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How to Cite
Meriç, S. (2021). Physically Handicapped Basketball Players Barriers in Social Life Scope with Health Problems Evaluation in Terms of Tourism. Journal of Turkish Tourism ResearchSEARCH, 4(3), 2391–2408. Retrieved from