The Impact of Cultural Tourism on the Innovations of Women Entrepreneurs: Investigation of Boğatepe Village by Case Study Analysis

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Aytaç Toptaş


As the Doğu Ekspresi started to operate as a tourism train again, the demand for tourism for Kars and the provinces in the region has increased. Boğatepe Village women entrepreneurs, who took the opportunity of cultural tours to see cultural values in place, started to carry out important works by protecting their cultural heritage. The purpose of this study is to show these innovation studies as an example to entrepreneur women and to encourage women living in different regions to invest in cultural tourism. A descriptive study was carried out in this research in which qualitative research model was used. The information obtained was documented and the studies of women entrepreneurs were examined and shown as examples. As a result of this research, they came out with village women living cultural values, these values they opened the first cheese museum in Turkey to sustain the association established in order to market the products they produce, they attend foreign language courses, establishing a workshop protect the local medicinal plants was concluded that the findings they have obtained higher revenues. Results of the study busy living in the region where the cultural values of female entrepreneurs in Turkey would dare say it is possible to prepare products to cultural tours. Innovation of the cultural values that women know best by presenting them to the tourism market and their case studies that will guide women entrepreneurs add unique value to this article.

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How to Cite
Toptaş, A. (2021). The Impact of Cultural Tourism on the Innovations of Women Entrepreneurs: Investigation of Boğatepe Village by Case Study Analysis. Journal of Turkish Tourism ResearchSEARCH, 4(4), 3378–3391. Retrieved from