Evaluation of Cultural Heritage in City Virtual Tours

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Hicran Hanım Halaç
Büşra Saatci İzci


Developing technology, fast access is important and one of these access tools is virtual tours. Virtual tours used for the promotion of cities are not an important goal to reach, perceive and know the cultures of cities. The aim of the study is to identify and evaluate the promotion, virtual tours and the rate of including cultural heritage in these virtual tours. In the study, virtual tour, city virtual tour, 3d trip and 360 tour keywords were added to Yandex and Google search engines, and 28 virtual tours belonging to 26 were reached. The tour layout in the virtual tour, add-ons such as music and video and the number of cultural heritages included in the virtual tour were analyzed. The study found that virtual tours of the city were generally organized differently from each other, the availability of virtual tours by everyone and informational add-ons were insufficient, and although the cities have many cultural heritages, very few of them were included in the virtual tour and made suggestions for suggestions.

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How to Cite
Halaç, H. H., & Saatci İzci, B. (2021). Evaluation of Cultural Heritage in City Virtual Tours. Journal of Turkish Tourism ResearchSEARCH, 5(2), 985–1004. https://doi.org/10.26677/TR1010.2021.749