Grouping of The Students Receiving Tourism Education at University by Their Level of Extaversion and Service Orientation

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A. Celil Çakıcı
Murat Özdamar
Murat Özdamar


Those working at tourism sector are supposed to be extraverted and service oriented. This study aims to group tourism students at university by their extraversion and service orientation levels. In the study designed as a descriptive research, data were collected through a survey developed based on literature. Although population consists of students who receive tourism education at university in Turkey, the students receiving associate’s and undergraduate level education in tourism management at a state university are defined as the study population. Quotas were set according to the number of associate’s and undergraduate students. The survey was conducted through face-to-face and drop-off/pick-up techniques on 1-10 March 2016, and 349 questionnaires were obtained. In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics as well as factor, k-means clustering, chi-square and separation analysis were used. While almost half of the students’ extraversion was high 49,6%, the level of extraversion in the other half was low 50,4%. 81,7% of the students had high service orientation, and 18,3% had low service orientation. Of the students who had high extraversion, 86,7% had also high service orientation. 52,6% of those with high service orientation had high extraversion while 64,1% of those with low service orientation had also low extraversion. Statistical relationships were found between the students with low-high extraversion and service orientation and gender, school and program type.

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How to Cite
Çakıcı, A. C., Özdamar, M., & Özdamar, M. (2021). Grouping of The Students Receiving Tourism Education at University by Their Level of Extaversion and Service Orientation. Journal of Turkish Tourism ResearchSEARCH, 2(2), 42–54. Retrieved from