Modern Silk Road Joint Tour Package” in the Promotion of the Turkish World

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Taşkın Deniz
Doğan Karadağ


The Turks are among the most ancient and powerful nations that have played a role in the beginning and in the end of the ages, ruled three continents and pioneered the spread of Islam. Because they are a warrior nation, they live an active life with their ancestral homeland, Central Asia. Names such as Turkistan - Turan - Turkic - Turkish World are given to the geographical area which is known as the ancestral homeland of Turks and which changes according to the territory of the states where they establish the borders. In this geography, the Turkish nation has established many states and struggled with the Chinese, Mongols, Russians and Persians who want to dominate the region for centuries. The aim of this work is to promote and prove the importance of the "Modern Silk Road Common Tour Package" project, which aims to promote the concrete and intangible cultural and natural heritage elements of Turkistan that have been hosted by numerous cultural hosts within the tourism sector.

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How to Cite
Deniz, T., & Karadağ, D. (2021). Modern Silk Road Joint Tour Package” in the Promotion of the Turkish World. Journal of Turkish Tourism ResearchSEARCH, 3(1), 93–101. Retrieved from