Problems Related to Human Resources in Timeshare Resort Systems: Afyonkarahisar Sample

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Aylin Aktaş Alan
Mustafa Sandıkcı


The time-share industry is one of the newest and fastest developing sectors in the international tourism market. In recent years, many people have opted to buy time-share as an alternative to renting a hotel. The purpose of this research is to determine how the time-share systems are evaluated by the managers and to identify the problems related to the human resources in the operation of the system. For this purpose, in-depth interviews were conducted with the managers and/or owners of the 6 timeshare resort facilities operating in Afyonkarahisar. Manual assessments used the descriptive analysis technique to give the most specific citation to the participants' discourse. According to the results obtained, the most common problems with human resources are the high staff turnover rates, such as lack of adequate number and quality of staff, difficulty of work, insufficient wage and regular wage payment.

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How to Cite
Aktaş Alan, A., & Sandıkcı, M. (2021). Problems Related to Human Resources in Timeshare Resort Systems: Afyonkarahisar Sample. Journal of Turkish Tourism ResearchSEARCH, 3(2), 112–120. Retrieved from